Some of my greatest effect/affect on others regarding sin and grace is when and because of God's deepest dealings in my own soul. As the Holy Spirit opens to me the lies of my own heart, the underlying lustings of my motives and the consequences of my own words and actions and thoughts, then and most only then am I able to aim with masterful accuracy that lethal grace which intends to nullify the effects of and kill the life of sin in myself and others.
Others must feel in my speaking and preaching and living that I truly do know where sin hides and they must feel within themselves sin, itself, that evil principle, rise up with horror as God's truth comes through the windows of the eyes and the side-doors of the ears. Their souls must either anguish as they struggle to find new places within themselves to hide their sin or they must rather rejoice and triumph as their sin, which once was hiding insides themselves is found out, cast out and given a public execution.